It’s been a busy week for new music. In pop, Taylor
Swift surprised everyone when she dropped her new single “Look What You
Made Me Do” and album ‘Reputation,’ while Katy Perry released a star-studded
video for her single “Swish Swish.” For rock, the Foo Fighters and The Killers
each released new videos from their highly-anticipated upcoming albums, as did
The War On Drugs and Mastodon. We also got new singles from Thirty-Seconds To
Mars, pop-punk band Seaway and brit-pop band Starsailor. In terms of newcomers,
Phoebe Bridgers released an outstanding new single and video.
Vinyl Bay 777, Long Island’s music outlet, has once again
been searching the internet for the best new songs and music videos of the
week. Here are nine that we think you will really enjoy.
Seaway, “Curse Me Out”: “Curse Me Out” is a very
catchy pop-punk song. It’s upbeat, bouncy melody make this a shoe-in for
audience sing-alongs at live shows, even if its lyrics are about someone being
so in love that they like it when their partner yells at them. Then again,
self-deprecation is not unusual in pop-punk and “emo.” (video)
John Butler Trio, “Bully”: John Butler Trio get
political with their new song and video, “Bully.” “Bully” puts on blast those who
take away other people’s freedoms and destroy others’ property. The video takes
it one step further, showing powerful images of protests against the Dakota
Access Pipeline, rallies for Black Lives Matter and LGBTQ rights and other
historical imagery. At times it feels a little like a commercial for all the
time Butler has spent helping the cause, but in the end the message overpowers
it all. (video)
Starsailor, “Take a Little Time”: Starsailor
return with a funk-influenced second single, “Take a Little Time,” from their
upcoming new album, ‘All This Life.’ It’s opening a capella sets the pace
before the bass guitar comes in to lay down the groove. Once the guitars and
keyboard come in, everything starts to work in harmony, creating a very memorable
track that will have you dancing in your seat. (video)
The War On Drugs, “Pain”: I’ve been hearing a
lot about The War On Drugs lately and after hearing “Pain” I know why. “Pain’s”
light melody and deep lyrics are powerful and when the distorted guitar noise
comes in towards the end, it brings in another layer of texture. (video)
“Steambreather”: The video for “Steambreather” is probably one of the weirdest
I’ve seen in a while. It features two metal head ‘Jay & Silent Bob’-types
who crash a cult based around noses. The song itself is pretty good though. It’s
sound is very rock radio-ready, blending metal riffs with easy-to-follow lyrics
and melody. (video)
Phoebe Bridgers, “Motion Sickness”: The
combination of Bridgers’ messo-soprano vocals and the song’s slightly pop-y
catchiness makes “Motion Sickness” captivating to listen to. It’s not
in-your-face, but its softness doesn’t make it drag on either. Plus “emotional
motion sickness,” aside from being a fantastic word combination, paints a very
vivid picture. (video)
Killers, “Run For Cover”: Like a lot of The Killers’ songs, it’s the
storytelling aspect of “Run For Cover” that really gets you. Wrapped in an
upbeat, chugging rock cloak, the song tells of a girl leaving an abusive lover,
a story enhanced by its video. It’s a very different mood from the boastful lyrics
of previous single “The Man,” which I like about “Run For Cover” as well. (video)
Fighters, “The Sky Is A Neighborhood”: At first I didn’t think I was going
to like this song because the sound quality of the vocals during the verses is
terrible. But once you get into it, this is a real hard-hitting rock track.
Before I knew it I was headbanging along. The video is also pretty notable. It’s
the second video Dave Grohl directed himself from their upcoming album and stars
his daughter trying to summon aliens. (video)
Tiger Army, “Dark and Lonely Night”: “Dark and Lonely Night” takes a page from
early 50’s rock ‘n’ roll bands like Buddy Holly & the Crickets. It’s slow
pace and sweetness would make it perfect for a slow dance at a sock hop. (video)
These were some of our favorite new songs and music videos
released this week. Check these out and fill your weekend with great new music.
Discover music new and old at Vinyl Bay 777 and
vinylbay777.com. As Long Island’s top new independent record shop, we have thousands
of titles to choose from in a wide array of genres. Browse our selection of new
and used vinyl records, CDs, cassettes, music DVDs, memorabilia and more both
in store and online. More titles are being added to our selection all the time,
so whether you’re looking to find something you’ve never heard before or
rediscover the classics, Vinyl Bay 777 has you covered.
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